Leadership doesn't have to be lonely.


In fact, if it is lonely, it’s almost guaranteed that your leadership dreams will die with you and your influence will not enrich coming generations.

Learning how to overcome the obstacles that hold you back from thriving in life and leadership is critical...

And it all starts with having the right mentor and coach to walk you through it.

Finding your tribe...

Begins by finding a safe place to dig deep and nurture your inner self.

1:1 Coaching with Lisa Potter


Available to a limited number of women each quarter, Lisa Potter offers personal coaching and mentorship to women of all ages and stages of ministry development.

Through one-on-one calls, online sessions, guided conversations and consistent accountability, individuals are able to process their own unique leadership journey, identify challenges and opportunities, and create a step-by-step plan to live out their God-given dreams.



I'm a passionate leader of women who lead, a “grace-downloader,” and a generational bridge-builder. I live out my passions through speaking, writing, worship, and mentoring the next generation of female leaders.

As author and founder of The Collective Journey, I mentor dozens of women each month – taking them through a proven process on how to flourish in life and leadership.

I'm also an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God, a graduate of Northpoint Bible College and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary with a MA in Leadership and Ministry.

When I say "You go, girl!" – I mean it, and I'd love the opportunity to walk with you on your leadership journey!

"When Lisa Potter speaks, I listen. She is intelligent, competent, articulate, passionate about spurring on needed change in people and institutions, and sensitive to the Spirit."

Dr. Carolyn Tennant, 
Author, Speaker, Mentor, and Professor

"By examining core-self, the power of story, calling, and community, Lisa creates a process to have a sustainable leadership pipeline for future women leaders."

Scott Wilson
Author and Founder of 415leaders.com & RSGleaders.com

What we'll talk about...


Each person's leadership journey is different, which is why personalized one-on-one coaching can be such a valuable experience. 

Before beginning any coaching relationship, you'll have the opportunity to do a Discovery Call with Lisa to identify the areas where you need the most guidance.  Below are just a few of the popular topics leaders find helpful to process in a coaching conversation: 

  • Vision and Values (for yourself or your organization)
  • How to practice "Sabbath" and facilitate a personal prayer retreat
  • Personal Inventory and Growth Plan Coaching
  • How to Be an Effective Coach or Mentor (*includes a framework for hosting a 50-minute in person or zoom coaching session!)
  • How to Unleash the Power of your Story (Story Mapping)
  • The 4 C's: A Deep Dive into Core Self, Communion, Calling and Community




Book a discovery call with Lisa to experience her coaching first-hand!
Afterwards, you'll have the confidence to know if coaching is right for you and how many sessions you need.


1 Sessions

1 payment ($250)

  • Ideal for leaders who already have an established coach or mentor, but would like outside guidance on a specific challenge or opportunity in your life.
  • One (1) online coaching session with Lisa Potter
  • Conversation hosted via zoom or phone call
  • Concludes with application steps and homework (if applicable)


4 Sessions

3 payments ($250/ea) - ONE FREE SESSION!

  •  Ideal for leaders who do not have an established coach or mentor and are craving the accountability and wisdom you need to go to the next level.
  • Four (4) monthly online sessions with Lisa Potter
  • Conversation hosted via zoom or phone call, with option for in-person sessions
  • Concludes with application steps and homework (if applicable)


12 Sessions

12 payments ($200/ea) - BEST VALUE!

  •  Ideal for leaders who do not have an established coach or mentor and are in need of a partner who will be committed to their long-term growth.
  • Twelve (12) monthly online sessions with Lisa Potter (2 months free; $600 off - BEST value!)
  • Conversation hosted via zoom, phone, or in-person
  • Progress Tracker

This is your time...

 My lack of a mentor in the early years of my leadership journey compels me to mentor the next generation of female leaders.

Through one-on-one coaching with women, I get to share all the lessons I wish I had known as a young leader, and a little more... 

This is your time, friend. I can't wait to hear your story, look you in the eyes and say: You go girl!